Home Care

A healthy smile highly depends on what happens between visits to see us. Good oral care habits can be established by anyone committed to carving a few minutes each day to make it happen. Like regular exercise, consistency builds on previous efforts to enhance your health. At least two brief sessions of brushing and cleaning between your teeth daily set a foundation for optimum health.

With so many products available to consumers today, your hygienist is a personal trainer for dental home care. We'll quickly narrow down the endless options and form a plan that fits you. Would a Waterpik make more sense and reach deeper than floss for your condition? Should you use a prescription toothpaste due to the high risk of a reduced saliva condition? Many factors fit into a plan that makes your time and effort work for you.

Some patients identified as high risk for dental problems benefit from even more personalized routines. Simple, inexpensive additions can transform the environment of your mouth and dramatically reduce disease activity. For example, Xylitol, a naturally derived sweetener, can reduce cavity activity in children and adults when used in the right dosages and exposure times.

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